Graphite electrode


According to international standards, graphite electrodes must be made from calcined petroleum coke (CPC). Needle coke production technology, as the main raw material of CPC, is available exclusively to countries such as China, USA, Japan and Germany. This has made the manufacture of graphite electrodes as the main consumable material in electric arc melting furnaces, the monopoly of developed countries.

To produce graphite electrodes, needle coke powder is first molded and compressed with a vibrator. The formed electrode is then baked in an oven. After baking, a layer of bitumen is added to it. Finally, this product is again at a temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius and turns into graphite.

After the production process, turning operations are performed on the electrodes. These electrodes are mostly produced in a cylindrical shape and after production must be cut in standard diameters. It is necessary to install a pin as a socket on the electrode head.